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Professor Dr. Mahendhiran Sanggaran Nair

Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research Engagement & Impact) - SUNWAY University Malaysia, Member of the National Science Council, High-Tech Nation Council of Malaysia and the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Malaysia. Short biodata: Prof. Mahendhiran Sanggaran Nair is an expert in data science, econometrics and STIE (Science, Technology, Innovation and Economic) Policy modelling. He is the architect for the development of the 10-10MySTIE Framework and the 8i-innovation ecosystem model, which provide a systematic and an evidence-based approach to characterise the national and industrial innovation ecosystems for a knowledge intensive economy. Professor Nair has been a subject matter expert for government agencies, industry, community organisations and international agencies on sustainable STIE development. He is a Fellow of Academy Sciences Malaysia and Fellow of CPA (Australia).

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